Thursday, November 24, 2011

what makes your design good?

Somehow I commence to realize what are aspects that affect to a good design. Starting with my internship then my four own projects, these are the result of my exploration,

1. good design come from a good simple concept
It's ridiculous if you design something without any concept, on the other hand, it's pity when there's no one know your concept -because it's too complicated.

2. good design is possible, only if there's a good combination between you and your partner (if you're work as a team)
So you have to choose and find your partner aptly.

3. the key to a good design, not only understanding your clients, but there must be a cooperation.
How can you made a good design if there's no understanding?how can client wants a good design, but always underestimate the designers?clients and designers must be become a friend.

4. good design is not hasty
Good design never hasty, but complete as scheduled.

5. good design is a good planner+good execution
Choose right the contractor. because "contractor is the enemy of us", said my lecture.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Furniture Design II

In this class I was taught by Kuntara Wiradinata S.Sn., M.Si. and the objective of mid-term exam is to make a chair.. we're given a free option of material, theme, and process of making (you made yourself or you just give the design to crafter).
I choose Flux Design become my theme, and my concept is derived from some falling leaves, that fall down feathery. so it make some articulation.. (just imagine it with use more fantasy -,-). So basically it's just a chair that each of its components are connected and linked.
ps. just look at some of Zaha Hadid's works. such guangzhou opera house, j.s. bach chamber music hall, etc.

For material, I use synthetic rattan for the skin, and for the bone use "besi isi 16" (I dont know what it's in English). I use that because synthetic rattan can transform depend on its if you want to make a round chair, just make first a round bone, then the crafter is only just weave the rattan. so, simply it already match with my concept. and it's looks light. isnt it?

Here is a pic of my chair, I will update and add the process "how to" later.

my chair

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I've an internship program on this semester (7th) for about four months. This internship is included in UPH Interior's curriculum, therefore, every student must do the internship.
and I've some option on doing this. I can choose the consultant, when I start doing this, and when I end this internship.
I choose an architect based consultant in Surabaya, called PT. Archimetric Architects Engineers

I choose this consultant because of the principal, Jimmy Priatman, who'd won Kalyanakretya in 2002 from the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Jimmy is known for his energy efficient in his building. and here, I'm supervised by Ivan Priatman who has LEED AP BD+C certification.

I'm doing 3 projects of design planning -a church, a mixed-use building, and a hotel, 1 project supervision -a church project, and 1 project of RAB -an office project. all of them are located in Surabaya.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Studio Studies VI

In this studio I learnt to design a public space. we're given an option to choose a category such as hospitality, or museum, or education, or health care, sacred place, etc. I got Dipl.-Des Paulus S. Whanarahardja for my major lecture, and Susatyo Dewantono, S.Sn. for my assistant lecture.
I choose hospitality, and a beach resort for my major. Grand Mirage Resort, is the name of my project and it is located in Tanjung Benoa-Nusa Dua, Bali. Therefore I've gone to Bali in order to survey all about the hotel. their rooms, restaurants, kind of guests, facilities, hotel's theme, their maintenance, materials, etc.=="
but I ain't got the full plan of Grand Mirage, so I used the plan of Bali Griya Shanti. in same area, Nusa Dua.
Grand Mirage Logo

In the beginning of my studio, I was on fire and excited about this project because of the unusual things like its location, and the resort itself have an 'exotic feel' for me. moreover, I have many books and magazines about tropical resort. that's make me so excited to design with more passionate and finish this project with a good mark.
At first I'd a target to make 7 special rooms, but after think about it, that's impossible if make 7 special rooms because we didn't have much time to do it all.. so I just make 3 special rooms (Main Lobby, International Restaurant, and Superior Room) +2 crude rooms (Wedding Chapel and Business Lounge).
I'd prejudice that designing a resto is something interesting, but that's truly false. designing a resto is kind of can't make a superb design, you can't simply make a fuckin barbed design. because the aspects you've consider are many, soooo wide and knotty.. but after a tough discussion with my lecture, I got a pretty cool design for my resto.

intl. resto plan

and check this also,, the superior room... making this room is simple and my lecture didn't have any important comments, he's just give an simple advice like "Bali's room have to be more romantic, artwork..,etc etc".
superior room plan

and the main looby....the focal point is the pool at the middle of the room. so the other aspect like seating,etc is just become a neutralizer.

My design concept was derived from a verse in the Bible, Prov 4:23 "... for out of it flow the springs of life." but I substitute "life" to "radiance". because my design concept is Sun Ray + Water or the sparkle of ray.. so the concept is "for out of it flow the Springs of Radiance" to give an accent that every rooms in that resort is spraying that gleam.
the Springs of Radiance

And last, this's my final presentation board.....

presentation + material board

KPI + maket

Thursday, June 2, 2011


In 13rd-17th of February, I went to Bandung with my friends (+-25p) to attend a great event called Project Converge of Indonesian Interior Design Students/ Temu Karya Mahasiswa Desain Interior se-Indonesia (TKMDII) X which have a theme "Go Culture! Bring Indonesian Culture to Your House".


There was an exhibition about house of every culture in Indonesia and UPH got Dayak culture. and the team's consist of 7 person: I, Andri Lee, Erika Arkinnovna, Felly, Irene, Noviana, and Sheila Laksita.

Using the theory of Interior Design by Prof. Mark Taylor + Daniel Libeskind, we tried to find what is the essence/haecceity of Dayak culture and express it roughly+overwhelming. Each of us had job to find every habit of Dayaknese..visual art, jobs, dance, how they live, etc. after that we look forward to what is the most important to them. ........ brainstorming ........ and got concept! Sparkling Sphere.

Modern Dayaknese Home

Eventhough the model is totally different from the usual Dayaknese House (called Rumah Panjang/ Rumah Betang), it's still keep the regulation/precept that hidden in that house,, as the form that's like a beam, location of kitchen in the back of main house, living room as center of the house, corridor interior, etc.

We're not only concern about the interior, but we also doing the exterior. because we're not an interior decorator, but interior design. and according to theory that we used, the emphasize is the space experience rather than decoration elements in the house.

last the member of Project Division of TKMDII UPH are:
I as Head of Project Division, conceptor+layout developer.
Noviana as Vice of Project Division, CAD maker+rendering 
Andri Lee as 3D Artist
Erika Arkinnovna as Material Finder and Board Maker
Felly as Sketcher+rendering
Irene as CAD maker
Sheila Laksita as Maquet incharge.

So that's all I can share about TKMDII X @ Universitas Kristen Maranatha. here some pict of our project.

model in computer

 model finished

 front elevation

Monday, March 21, 2011

Universitas Pelita Harapan

Universitas Pelita Harapan, yes this is my university, where I being taught to be a good man.. :D

 future uph. haha (it ain't accomplished yet)

It's a long story to tell you how I could move to this university at the middle of the academic year. but, overall I enjoy studying here...I enjoy the atmosphere.
UPH is a good university with a superb facilities and environment. I've never seen a university that have environment just like it. UPH has Gym, Olimpic size swimming pool, soccer field, futsal field, basketball court,etc etc...
and it has 8 buildings, A is for Rectorate; B is for classes of Faculty of Design and Planning, Conservatory of Music, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Faculty of Psychology, School of Education, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, and Faculty of Liberal Arts; building C is for Food Junction of UPH, Johannes Oentoro Library of UPH, Grand Chapel UPH, Mission Youth for Christ (MYC) Student Lounge and Girl's Dormitory; building D is for classes of School of Law and School of Hospitality and Tourism, and there's two big hall at the top floor of this building; E is for UPH College; building F is for Business School and Faculty of Social and Politic Science; and last, building G is for Boy's Dormitory and Scholarship Dormitory.

I take Interior Design here, and I'm a scholarship student with platinum category (100%), therefore I got privilege to stay and live in scholarship dormitory with other scholar students. it's very fascinating to live with them. and the location between my dorm and my uni is really close. so I'll just walk by foot if I get any classes to attend.
Second, I like the lecture here who really have passion to teach us, their students. The Head of Interior Design UPH is Martin L. Katoppo S.T., M.T.Ars and Julia Dewi S.T., M.T. as the Deputy.
Interior UPH have many qualified lectures..which come from distinguished local and international university (such Insitut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, AUT New Zealand, Sydney University, London Metropolitan University, FH Kaiserslautern - Germany, and University of Oregon).
Interior Design UPH also have International Partner, which is Queensland University of Techonology (QUT) that provide dual degree (B.A. and S.Sn.) to every students that desire to have it.

One thing that make Interior Design UPH interesting is the approach of groping "Interior", UPH is trully maximize the usage of the theory of design.. so that the students here won't ever built something without any logical and wise reasons. After that, interior UPH is unique, because our lectures are never dividing the relation between Interior and Exterior (which mean Architecture). My lecture, Dipl.-Des. Paulus S. Whanarahardja ever said that "Verily, we (student of interior design) are the student of Innenarchitektur (Space Architect), and not just Interior Design which have tendency to Interior Decorator". so it's not astonishing if Interior Design of UPH also think about the outside realm. :D
And I really hope and wait for the name of Interior Design could change into Interior Architecture. (maybe, there's question how about the Architecture of UPH? I suggest the name's better replaced to Architecture and Urban Design. pretty cool isn't it?) :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Universitas Ciputra (my earlier uni)

Hi, now I wanna share you about something unique about myself. as you know, I'm studying Interior Design at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Karawaci.. but, I'd been studied at Universitas Ciputra (UC) Surabaya before I moved to UPH.

first, why I choose UC? the answer is really simple, it's just because I'd already bored at Petra (my former school) and UC have a interesting tag line "Creating World Class Entrepreneurs." sounds WOW! to me..hehehe.

At UC, I took major Architecture Interior and I like studied there, I had made many friends.. I got many tips and tricks from my lecture, esp. Ir. Soekandi who teach subject "Drawing 01". I learned so much from him.. and from my adviser lecture, Ong Harry Gunawan S.T.
I remember when first time I entered his class, he taught us "how to hold a pencil?"  hahaha...I was laughing with some of my friends, but then I realized that's a basic skill to a good drawing.. I also still remember about his quotes "The key to a good design: understand your clients.".

I have funny stories when I entered 2D & 3D class by Drs. Bambang Irawan. its kinda crazy class that i ever had.. I got kicked out from class!  hahaha..

I know, some of my lectures at UC despise me..well because at that time I still looks like a Senior High School student who like to play, race, and anything stupid activities. but, I changed "adagio".. :D
like a pupa becoming a butterfly, it's not easy and simple, but its has to!
bye Universitas Ciputra!